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Types of Issues that Commonly Bring Families to Therapy

Abandonment: Family members dealing with issues of abandonment by parent/parent’s ex-partner; learning how to cope with feelings of abandonment

Abuse (Emotional): Abuse (emotional -recent) of family member Abuse (Emotional): Abuse (emotional-non-recent or chronic) family member

Abuse (Emotional): Emotional abuse is occurring, but family is not aware it is abuse, ‘that’s just the way we are’

Abuse (Financial): Helping families understand and resolve financial control situations

Abuse (Patterns of): Helping families understand patterns of abuse so they can recognize and seek healthy ways of receiving love and affection

Abuse (Physical): Abuse (physical-non-recent) family member

Abuse (Physical): Abuse (physical-recent) of family member

Abuse (Sexual): Abuse (sexual-non-recent) of family member

Abuse (Sexual): Abuse (sexual-recent) of family member

Abuse: (Revelation of):  Revelation of abuse of family member by child of mother’s or father’s partner

Abuse: (Revelation of): Revelation of abuse of family member by sibling

Addiction (Consequences): Family members experiencing anxiety related to addiction issues in the family

Addictions (Process): Family dealing with challenges related to process addiction in a family member)

ADHD: Family living with untreated ADHD of a family member

ADHD: Family living with partially treated/chronic ADHD of a family member

Adult Children: Family issues related to situations happening in lives of adult children

Anger: Anger issues in one or more family member

Anger: Family members expressing resentment/anger toward members of their blended family

Assertiveness: Help family members develop assertiveness (instead of passivity or aggression)

Behavioural Issues:: Family member/s expressing concerns related to behavioural issues of someone in the home

Blended Family: Issues in long-term blended family

Blended Family: Issues in recently blended family

Boundaries: Helping members understand healthy boundaries

Bullying: Dealing with the bullying of family member by someone outside the home

Bullying: Dealing with the bullying of family member by someone inside the home

Caring and Respect: Help families learn to express caring and respect toward one another.

Children’s Needs: Help parents understand that children need to have hobbies and interests without having to be perfect at them

Chronic Pain: Chronic pain issues in parent or other adult in the home

Controlling: Help family members recognize how to be supportive and involved without being controlling

Creative Expression: Helping families understand that all members have a need for creative expression and development of natural gifts and interests

Critical Incident in Family: Helping families who have experienced a critical incident in the life of the family: serious illness, serious accident, physical attack, death threats, attempted suicide or death by suicide by family member, overdose by family member, unemployment leading to significant change in circumstances, etc.

Death of person: Recent death in family (grieving)

Death of friend: Recent death of friend (grieving)

Death of Beloved Pet: Recent death of family pet (grieving)

Deliberate Self-Harm: Family supporting member with deliberate self-harm behaviours (non-recent/chronic)

Deliberate Self-Harm: Family supporting member with deliberate self-harm behaviours (recent)

Denial: Help parents recognize and break through denial of a member’s lived experience (reality)

Depression: Helping families understand and support family member’s depression

Disability: Helping children understand parental disability or disability in other family member

Discrimination: Dealing with prejudice and discrimination

Emotional Dysregulation: Emotional dysregulation in adolescent/young adult/other

Emotional Dysregulation: Emotional dysregulation related to use of substances

Emotional Injury: Helping family members understand the potential consequences of insults and derogatory name calling such as ‘ugly’, ‘lazy’, ‘stupid’ and more put-downs, mockery, labelling, scapegoating, gas lighting, and more

Emotional Needs: Help family members understand that everyone has emotional needs

Emotions (Healthy): Helping members express healthy emotions toward one another

Empty Nest: Last child has moved out (to school or job)

Estrangement: Estrangement in family (recent or non-recent)

Estrangement: When family has experienced emotional cut-off (estrangement) from a member of the nuclear family

Estrangement: When family has experienced emotional cut-off (estrangement) from a member of the extended family

Extended Family: Family issues related to refusing to allow extended family members contact with children

Family-of-Origin: Family-of-origin issues affecting family functioning

Fertility: Fertility issues

Finances: Financial issues affecting home life and needs of family

Forgiveness (Lack of): When family members express a lack of forgiveness for past injuries

Helplessness: Family members feeling helpless because ‘something has happened’

Intergenerational Mental Health Issues: Helping families with intergenerational mental health issues

Invalidation: Denying that a family member has experienced a particular event or injury

Isolation: Help families understand the characteristics of isolation and why family members may be feeling isolated.

Job Loss: Family dealing with challenges related to recent or non-recent job loss

Life Stage: When family is experiencing specific life stage issues with children, adolescents, young adults, changes in older adults

Life Transitions: Life transition/adjusting to change affecting in one or more family member

Medical Health Issues: Family issues related to the medical health issue of family member

Mental Illness (Parental): Helping children understand parental mental illness

Moving/New Home/New Schools: Family experiencing imbalance, loneliness, due to significant move/new job/new schools

Older Family Members: Struggling with meeting needs of elderly parents/grandparents  

Older Family Members: Adult siblings disagreeing about the responsibility of elderly parents/grandparents

Older Family Members: Adult siblings disagreeing about terms of parent’s will or allocation of their needs of elderly belongings (parents/grandparents)

Perfectionism: Perfectionism in parent or other family member

Physical (Symptoms): Psychological effects of living with family secrets

Physical Health: Physical health issue (recent diagnosis or accident, family member)

Power (Imbalance): Help families recognize power imbalances and to balance power

Pregnancy (Unexpected): Family dealing with unplanned and unexpected pregnancy in family

PTSD: Help family members who are living with the effects of ptsd (the identified client and other members)

Relationships (Healthy): Help parents and children build healthy relationships

Responsibility and Accountability: Helping families understand the value of being responsible and accountable for incidents that have happened in the past

School Issues: Child, adolescent, or young adult experiencing school issues

Self-Esteem: Help family members develop healthy self-esteem in one or more family member

Separation/Divorce: Non-recent separation or divorce

Separation/Divorce: Recent separation or divorce

Shame and Guilt: Family member or members feeling shame and guilt for something that has happened in the family recently or in the past

Stress: Children have developed physical symptoms related to stress level in the home

Substance Use: Helping families recognize and understand substance use issues

Substance Use: Older family members attempting to support son/daughter/grandchild in coping with substance abuse

Support (Lack of): When family member has experienced lack of support /validation from other family members

Trust Issues: Family member or members expressing trust issues (chronic situation)

Trust Issues: Family member or members expressing trust issues (non-recent event)

Trust Issues: Family member or members expressing trust issues (recent event)

Workload Imbalance: Imbalance of workload at home

Worry: Chronic worry in parent or other family member.


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